No Problem!

Exams are close – no problem! We’ve got a competition tomorrow – no problem! This was the mind set of the team of students and staff who went to Kodaikanal International School for the science fest. The competition included Elocution, essay writing , model making, poster making, etc. In spite of their busy academic schedule, […]

Magnificent Madness

The mathematics laboratory is a place where anybody can experiment and explore patterns and ideas. It is a place where one can find a collection of games, puzzles, and other teaching and learning material. The materials are meant to be used both by the students on their own and with their teacher to explore the […]

Learning to have fun

Learning to have fun… No books, no home work or assignments, fresh air, singing, dancing, playing, beautiful scenery, shopping, snacks, food and nourishments… this has been the theme of Zion Campus for the past one week. School picnics are full of with great fun. Just like our school friends and experiences we have during our […]

From ‘I know’ to ‘I can do’

From ‘I know’ to ‘I can do’ Do you think practical learning can have a profound impact on students? Don’t you think doing things practically can improve learning experiences? It’s observed and scientifically proven that practical learning helps students in retaining information for a longer period of time. Practical learning improves understanding of the concept […]

The Break is over…

The Break is over… The schools and colleges across the state re-opened on Monday (2nd January 2023) after winter break of about two weeks. The schools were closed for the winter vacation in December last year. Students were seen very happy while coming to their schools after the long vacations and the teachers were seen […]


A vacation helps to relieve stress and boredom, gives us a change of scenery, provides us with adventure, and helps to bring us closer to the people in our lives. So after seven months of packed school schedule the much awaited holidays are here.. Yeah, the winter holidays. Though we have celebrated  Christmas a week […]

Merry Christmas everyone!

Jingle bells…jingle bells… jingle all the way… “It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air.” This week hearts of everyone in Zion campus was filled with the spirit of Christmas and happiness of celebrating Christmas. The celebration that took place on 17.12.2022 was mellifluously staged amidst a pleasing weather by the […]