Indoor & Outdoor Games
A host of well maintained indoor and outdoor play areas and grounds let students passionately pursue the game of their interest. Trained physical education staff provide professional guidance and training to ensure the personal safety and skill enhancement of students
Photography Club
A picture is worth a thousand words. – Ben Shneiderman. Students are encouraged to enroll in the photography club to kindle their creativity and master the art of cinematography and filmmaking. The 5-month course is taught by a professional photographer using state of the art DSLR cameras for a nominal fee. Students are encouraged to bring their own devices to maximize their learning experience.
Ice Skating
Ice Skating has proven to be one of the most popular and trendy leisure activities for both tourists and residents of Kodaikanal. Zionists can join the ice skating arena where they may pursue the sport for entertainment or with professional aspirations. Instructors are equipped to train participants to compete at state and national level 2events. Students participate on a weekly basis according to their respective age groups for a nominal fee.
In light of the controversial consequences that modern society unleashes on the health and well being of the current generation, Yoga is offered at Zion to unearth the infinite potentials of the mind and soul. Weekly sessions are held under the supervision of a certified yoga instructor who systematically trains participants to achieve maximum benefits of this 10,000-year-old art form.
Spoken English Classes
Mastery of English both in written and oral form is vital to establish dominance and remain competitive in today’s highly aggressive global platform. Realizing that the rote method of learning that is purely test oriented is insufficient to develop an all rounded student, the Spoken English Class focuses on verbal communication with an emphasis on grammatical and phonetic fluency.
Career Services
At Zion’s Career Services Center, our goal is to build a bridge between a completed education and a successful career. Whether you are still deciding your college major or have already decided on a specific program, we can assist you with a smooth transition from school to college. We offer a number of online resources as well as one-on-one assistance to prepare you for the journey ahead.
Junior Red Cross
The Junior Red Cross at Zion in association with Kodaikanal’s Red Cross Society encourages students to volunteer in community outreach programs to increase awareness about existing social issues that plague our locality. Active participation in inter-district camps that focus on sanitation, humanitarian ideals, disaster readiness, philanthropy and family values fosters a conducive environment for cultural exchange and interaction.
Music Academy
Music is the literature of the heart; it commences where speech ends. – Alphonse de Lamartine. Students aspiring to become world class musicians or those who simply desire to sharpen their innate musical talents can join Zion’s Music Academy. The music program comprises of training in multilingual songs, instruments and dance forms. Participants may showcase their skills during events on campus and inter-school contests.
Recreation and cultural Forum
The recreational and cultural forum in Zion helps the students to develop their innate talents. Various opportunities will be created by this forum to help the students participate in multifarious competitions. The students are taken out during their leisure time to enjoy horse riding, boating, trekking, cycling, mountaineering etc.